Collapse hauntingly mourns the demise of a communal structure. The split-channel video depicts the real world epidemic of colony collapse disorder among the honeybee as a symbolic dilemma of our delicate co-existence with the ecosystem and one another, relationships now gravely threatened by our struggle for survival. While agents wage wars over power, resources, and land, voices of the seemingly insignificant are thwarted; their existence is on the brink of extinction. A child plays the violin in the vain attempt at resurrecting a lost environmental consciousness, pointing to our inferior abilities to combat civilization’s atrocious handling of the natural world. Polluted, stripped, and enflamed, Collapse burns away the compromised rhetoric of a distracted populace full of rage at tertiary struggles while fully ignoring issues central to our fragile existence.
Excerpt of video art, LED screen in a custom aluminum frame and diptych digital archival photographs, 2013-2014.