Inspired by the mass migration crisis resulting from overlapping conflicts in Africa and the Middle East, the installation “EXODUS” maps the delicate nature of human life as communities and lands are torn apart by violence. Realized in the form of a sculptural object, the colony collapse of honeybees serves as a metaphor through the bee’s magnified wings and human vertebrate spinal column. Between the mosaic veins of each wing is video imagery that describes the trails of refugees that are now etching new migratory patterns across the world as environments are left burning. A three-channel audio-scape emits from the resin cast hollyhock plants; the various Iraqi lullabies of loss sung by women in accents indicate a deteriorating command of the dialect and language.
Medium: Wood, metal, resin, video, talcum powder, three-channel audioscape
Size: Dimensions variable
Year: 2015
Installation images from Ayyam Gallery, Dubai