Suspended Territories
Marta Herford Museum, Germany
24th June – 24th Sept 2017
Artists from the Middle East and North Africa.
Curated by Michael Kroeger
Artists: Arwa Abouon, Mounira Al Solh, Morehshin Allahyari, Sama Alshaibi, Moufida Fedhila, Saba Innab, Lamia Joreige, Amina Menia, Ala Younis.
The exhibition collects pointed insights into the work of nine artists from the Arabian-Persian region, but who now live mainly in the West. Their artistic forms of expression are condensed with biographical links to a multilayered, highly interesting picture of questioning identity and belonging.
The desert as a place of spiritual retreat, a video archive of personal memories of the horrors of the Lebanon War, a female Superman in Tunisia demanding a state for Super-Tunisians. A lot of things are in upheaval in the Arabian countries and in Iran, and not only in recent times. Old geopolitical borders are shifting and creating a vacuum between the opposing forces. Confrontations of aesthetic images with political ideas are made visible.
A catalogue was published at the occasion of the exhibition.